Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lesson Learned

One of the lessons learned from teaching children is that children are a direct reflection of their parents.

I'm not only talking about how "tamed" the children are or how they deal with situations, be it crying or throwing a temper. I'm also talking about their general demeanor.

Last week, I was able to meet some of the parents, and I could definitely see the resemblance not only in appearance, but in attitude. Some parents unabashedly yelled at their children and impatiently demanded from their children. Their respective children were the ones who threw tempers at me once in awhile and who had a strong sense of entitlement. Another child who is gentle and shy had a mom who was very apologetic and gentle as well. And another who is always calm had a dad that was exactly that.

Conclusions drawn:

1. Being a teacher is powerful, because although I don't have the influence of a parent, I spend more time with the children than their parents do. Kids catch on to attitudes quickly.

2. I need to be what I want my children to be.

3. Have I been reflecting my parents? Yes. Sadly, I reflect them more than I reflect my heavenly Father.
